In 1925, the American Heart Association held its first Scientific Sessions meeting, where scientists and healthcare professionals learned the latest developments. These meetings have taken place every year since, except during World War II. They have grown to become the largest annual cardiovascular meetings in the United States and a leading destination for the international cardiovascular health community.

Week 2 Tips:


Be Well: How much sleep do you really get most nights? Your sleep habits can have a lasting effect on your overall health. Simply tweaking a few of your tech device habits can help upgrade your sleep hygiene for a better night’s rest. Check out these tech tweaks to help you catch more zzz's.


Eat Better: Eating healthy while on the go: It seems like we are always so busy. Sometimes, we feel too busy to make food for ourselves. But what if there were some simple ways to eat heart-healthy on the go? Check out this resource to help you start your day off on the right foot!


Move More: How to move more anytime, anywhere: You can get up and move just about anytime, anywhere to be more physically active and stay healthy. And every minute counts toward the goal of at least 150 minutes per week of exercise. Read more about how to get you, and the whole family, moving more.


Be Well: Establish a Wake-up Routine for a Good Morning Every Morning: Good sleep habits and an effective morning routine can help you wake up feeling energized and prepared for the day ahead. Try these tips and techniques to start your day right.


Eat Better: Conquer Cravings with These Healthy Substitutions: We have all experienced food cravings – and often those cravings have to do with texture – like something creamy or crunchy. Here are some suggestions on satisfying your cravings with nutritious snacks of a variety of textures.


Be Well: Be more active during the work day: What if you could work out while you work, without having to carve out a big chunk of time? You can – by taking all those little opportunities to move more throughout your day. Check out these tips on how to do just that!


Move More: Do you know how sleep affects your health? 1 in 3 adults don't get enough sleep and the impact on your health can be severe. Take 3 minutes now to learn more about the benefits of getting the right amount of sleep.

Check out any of your past tips here:

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*Red Dress ™ DHHS, Go Red ™ AHA ; National Wear Red Day® is a registered trademark.